Rent a playroom in Berlin
Are you interested to visit Berlin and to book our Apartment? So have a look to the calendar. The red marked days are the days where the apartment is still booked, the lightgrey marked days are reservered. So red means you are too late, grey there might be a small chance and white you can still book! For a booking please use the form.

Rates & info
Of course you should know more about the conditions and the prices to rent our apartment. General the minimum stay at our apartment are three nights. The price per night is 190 EUR. As soon as you get a confirmation of your reservation you are asked to pay 25% of the full price of your stay (minimum 150 EUR). Four weeks prior your stay you have to pay the rest. Of course you can cancel you reservation whenever you like but we will not pay back these deposit of 25% or 150 EUR. If you pay the full price after the confirmation of your reservation you get 5% discount. If you like to keep your deposit and be able to cancel or to rebook your reservation you can book the flex-option which is 99,- EUR extra. If you are a BLUF white member you get 5% and if you are a BLUF black member you get 10% discount of your booking. All prices are including Berlin City Tax.
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